The power of a single click

21.03.22 | Tagged as: Insight

The whole idea of Flexible Web is to put you, the business owner, at the forefront of everything I do.

I don’t concern you with how your content will look once you’ve entered it.

This seperation of content and styling is very important, because ultimately you’re not a web designer and don’t want to be.

However you are concerned about having a professional looking website to promote your business.

I therefore ensure that the level of complexity involved, should you want to change the default appearance of your website, is no greater than the click of a button.

You get to enter your content using a highly intuitive CMS (Content Management System), and I take care of how everything looks.

You therefore have peace of mind, knowing that whatever appears on your website looks great and is consistent with everything else.

With that in mind, let me give you a very quick example of how a click of a button can transform the look and feel of your page in an instant, making you feel like a fully fledged web wizard.

I’ll focus on ‘Latest News’ as an example and show how this can look significantly different with just the click of a button.

Standard Layout

Does your website need a refresh?

05.09.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

There are some classic signs that you need your website refreshed, but generally you know when your current site has reached it’s expiry date.

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A major pivot for Flexible Web

18.07.22  |  Tagged as: Insight, News

From the start I’ve always said that Flexible Web exists to help small businesses in any way that they need to be helped.

Based on recent feedback, this means Flexible Web is now pivoting to match my clients needs.

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Standard Layout With Dropshadows, Headings Only And Animations

Does your website need a refresh?

05.09.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

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A major pivot for Flexible Web

18.07.22  |  Tagged as: Insight, News

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Staff Profiles Build Trust

22.06.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

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Grid Layout

05.09.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

Does your website need a refresh?

18.07.22  |  Tagged as: Insight, News

A major pivot for Flexible Web

22.06.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

Staff Profiles Build Trust

Carousel Layout

Keeping Things DRY

It’s worth pointing out because not everyone will be aware, that all of the above pull the same pieces of content.

Please don’t think that you have to enter data multiple times.

A well configured CMS only makes you enter the data once.  This keeps the data consistent across the site and saves you time.

This is known as keeping things DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

Configurations Galore

You can also configure the following with just the click of a button:

  • Number of posts to show.
  • Latest posts or selected posts.
  • Animations.
  • Headings only or include an excerpt.
  • No. of columns to use.

By now, you should be getting the idea that you just need to focus on the content and what gets presented on the front end will look fantastic.

Latest News

Does your website need a refresh?

05.09.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

There are some classic signs that you need your website refreshed, but generally you know when your current site has reached it’s expiry date.

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A major pivot for Flexible Web

18.07.22  |  Tagged as: Insight, News

From the start I’ve always said that Flexible Web exists to help small businesses in any way that they need to be helped.

Based on recent feedback, this means Flexible Web is now pivoting to match my clients needs.

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Staff Profiles Build Trust

22.06.22  |  Tagged as: Insight

Websites are all about building trust, so having an easy way to show potential clients who they’ll be working with is a massive winner in the trust building department.

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