The truth of the matter is, if you think you’re website needs a refresh, then it’s time for a refresh.
I’ll expand on this point with some classic examples below.
You feel like your website is doing more harm than good
If you’ve stopped using your website, stopped promoting your website and dread someone visiting it, then it needs a refresh.
It’s a difficult conversation to have with a potential client that your service or product is great, but that they should ignore your website because it hasn’t been updated for a long time or doesn’t look as it should.
Of course, what that potential client will do is go and take a look at your website.
A professional, modern looking website will make an excellent impression on a potential client.
Conversely the opposite is true, so chances are that potential client will go to a competitors website.
Remember your website is a direct reflection of your business and so even though you may be offering the best product or service, your website tells people something else.
It’s been a long time since it was launched
Like everything else, websites need updating.
We decorate our houses, change our cars, buy new clothes etc and your website is no different.
What looked good a few years ago now looks dated.
As a rule of thumb, it is a good idea to refresh a website that is 3+ years old.
Your website has never made you any money
The only reason to have a website is to generate money for your business.
A website is an investment. If you approach it in any other fashion, then a mindset change is required as a website is a fantastic marketing tool. The money you put in should be returned several times over.
As it does, you invest more money in your site as there is a guaranteed ROI (Return On Investment).
If you have a website that has never made your business any money, then there’s something horribly wrong. And guess what, it needs a refresh!