Websites don’t need to be a complicated process

I make it incredibly easy for your small business to have a professional looking website.

It will generate a great first impression which is key to converting a visitor into a loyal, paying customer.

Not only are my websites affordable, powerful, intuitive and Google friendly, but you will also receive a full day of face-to-face training with me.

This will empower you to create fresh content which is great for your Google rankings.

Your website can also be launched quickly so no long delays in launching your online presence.

Below are a dozen reasons to choose a website from me.

1. Flexible Functionality

With a huge selection of easy to use functionality to choose from, you can create stunning web pages quickly and intuitively.

The functionality itself is an ever expanding library so new functionality will be added throughout the life of your website at no additional cost.

2. Unlimited Pages

Create as many pages, blog posts, case studies as you like, when you like.

You won’t need to put your hand back in your pocket at any point in order to create new content for your website.

3. Responsive / Mobile Friendly Sites

Your visitors / potential clients could access your website on a huge number of different devices.

They could be on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or something else.

However, you don’t need to concern yourself with that as your website will be responsive / mobile friendly.

This means regardless of how someone accesses your website, they will receive a consistent, intuitive and optimised experience

4. Blog / News Functionality

A blog / news section is the perfect way to keep adding informative, fresh content to your site.

It allows you to flex your muscle within your industry and be seen as an expert.

This builds trust with your visitors which is the perfect strategy in order to convert them into a loyal, paying client.

Furthermore, Google sees fresh content as a key factor in boosting your rankings.

Every business should therefore consider maintaining a blog / news section.

5. Branding

It goes without saying that your website will be branded with your companies logos, colours, images and font styles.

This makes it easy for visitors / customers to recognise that your website is….. yours.

This builds trust which is extremely important in order for someone to spend money with your company.

6. Year Of Free Hosting

Your website has to ‘live’ somewhere and we provide it with a free home for the first year.

This includes pointing your web address at your hosting and setting up an SSL security certificate.

If you’re not in the know, then this can be a complicated process so we simplify everything for you to make life easy.

7. Google Analytics / Search Console

I highly recommend installing Google Analytics and Google Search Console on your website.

It makes it very quick to see how people are:

  • Finding your website on Google.
  • Trying to find your website on Google.

Using this information allows you to focus and maximise efforts in terms of new content creation.

This is a great strategy for boosting your Google rankings and generating organic / free traffic to your website.

Furthermore, such data allows you to quantify your websites ROI (Return On Investment).

8. Search Facility

Providing a search facility is a smart way to allows visitors to find exactly what they’re looking for on your website in the shortest time possible.

9. Animations

Animations give a little oomph to a website and provide a wow factor that can distinguish you from a competitor.

Although I never recommend going overboard with animations, my websites do allow you to animate everything should you choose to do so.

10. MailChimp

You may never have heard of collecting email addresses from your website and using them to automate some of your marketing.

Perhaps you have, but assumed it was too complicated.

Integrating MailChimp into your website does exactly this and is a very powerful marketing tool to generate work for your business.

11. Google Maps

Websites are all about building trust and showing where your business resides is a great way to do that.  I make it incredibly simply for you to show visitors where you are located and how they can find you.

12. A Full Day Of Training

My websites are highly intuitive, but a day of face-to-face training ensures you’ll feel confident using your site.

If you know how to use your website, you’ll feel empowered to create content for it.

This will boost your Google rankings which will in turn feed back into your motivation to create more content.

If you’re a small business looking to launch a new website and are interested in working with me, then simply fill in the form below for a price and some additional information.