Welcome to Flexible Web.
My websites are the perfect solution for tradesmen and tradeswomen who are looking to generate additional business and money through their website.
Make no bones about it, a good website WILL generate you money.
Below are some classic mistakes that I see being made which are easily rectified with a new website.
Why this is all good news
The websites I offer solve all of the above problems and are affordable and flexible.
Investing your money in one of my websites means you can steal a march on your competition.
The most important reason for tradesmen / tradeswomen to have a website
Having a website allows you to generate business for yourself in the quiet times.
Firstly you have a shop window to your services that can be accessed 24/7.
Furthermore, let’s say you provide a price list on your website to potential clients in exchange for their email address.
When work dries up, you have a very quick way to generate business for yourself by sending out an email to your list of potential clients.
Sound powerful? It should. It’s a great business strategy, but very underused.
We want to hear from you
So whether you’re an electrician, plumber, carpenter, painter, builder etc we’ve got a website for you.
Our websites allow tradesmen / tradeswomen to:
- Tell people what services you offer
- Show examples of your work
- Add testimonials from happy clients
- Give clients multiple ways of contacting you
- Generate business through organic traffic to your site
- Give people the confidence to hire you as your website reflects your professional setup
- Enable you to demonstrate that you are an expert in your field.
Don’t forget it will be extremely easy to maintain your site. It will be extremely intuitive and you’re not going to be spending hours on it every week.
Below are a couple of screenshots from demo websites that I have set up for a fictitious electrician and plumber.
Flexible Electrician
Flexible Plumber