Content Creation

Not everyone wants to create content for their website.

I completely understand that, but it does complicate my offering somewhat.

The idea of Flexible Web is to give you all the tools at your disposal to take complete management of your site.

It’s not that I don’t want to ever hear from you again.

It’s that I shouldn’t need to as you have everything you need.

It’s also because I give a fixed price for my websites.

Part of the beauty of the offering is that you know exactly what you’re going to pay.

It’s far easier to budget for your website, when you have one fixed price.

But I need someone to create content. What can I do?

I am fully capable of creating industry specific, SEO friendly content that will help your rankings in Google and therefore your organic traffic.

The problem is the cost is essentially ongoing. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

New content MUST be added regularly.

This could be pages, landing pages, case studies, blog posts etc.

Can you quantify the investment of creating content?

Absolutely 100%. I install Google Analytics as standard across all Flexible Web sites.

This shows you exactly where you rank for each of your specific search terms.

It’s worth remembering that certain terms are highly competitive and it may be worth getting a bit more niche with your content creation.

The beauty of Google Analytics is that it feeds back into your content creation, as it gives you concrete evidence of how people are trying to find your services.

How long does it take to climb the Google rankings?

There is no quick fix.

Whilst this may be annoying, it’s also actually good news.

Anything that takes a sustained effort, generally means that most people won’t do it.

Therefore as long as we persist with your content creation, your Google rankings will steadily increase.

If you would like a price for some content creation, then simply fill in the form below.